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ZX Spectrum Next / N-GO


Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Used for Notes
F1 / Reset (long press) Hard Reset Resets CPU and Peripherals, reloads the FW and loads the hardware settings anew but doesn't clear the RAM
F2 Scandoubler Doubles the output resolution. Must be off for older monitors and SCART cables
F3 50Hz/60Hz Vertical Frequency Changes the display's vertical frequency from 50 to 60Hz and vice-versa
F4 / Reset (short press) Soft Reset Resets CPU and Peripherals and reloads the Operating System. Used with Caps Shift it forces a rescan of drives and a reload of the boot screen under esxDOS
F5 Not Used
F6 Not Used
F7 Scanlines Cyclically toggles scan line emulation in 4 steps/intensities: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%. This emulates the older CRT monitors
F8 Turbo modes Cyclically toggles CPU speed (3.5MHz, 7MHz, 14MHz, 28Mhz)
F9 NMI (Multiface) Simulates pressing the NMI button
F10 divMMC NMI (Drive) Simulates pressing the Drive button (divMMC NMI – used with esxDOS). Used with Caps Shift it forces a rescan of drives and a reload of the boot screen under esxDOS
NMI + Simulates PS/2 keyboard function keys

Key files

File Description
machines/next/CONFIG.INI Next main core settings (scanlines, scandoubler, screen refresh rate, ULAPlus modes, etc.). Select the default mode from those defined in machines/next/menu.def.


Mode Selection Description
ZX Spectrum Next (standard) Space on hard boot/reset Normal NextZXOS
ZX Spectrum Next (LG 48K ROM) Space on hard boot/reset
ZX Spectrum 48K Space on hard boot/reset and more... page in NextZXOS menu
ZX Spectrum 128k Space on hard boot/reset and more... page in NextZXOS menu
ZX Spectrum +2 Space on hard boot/reset
ZX Spectrum +2A/+3 Space on hard boot/reset
ZX Spectrum +3e Space on hard boot/reset
ZX80 Emulator (c) Paul Farrow Space on hard boot/reset and more... page in NextZXOS menu
ZX81 Emulator (c) Paul Farrow Space on hard boot/reset and more... page in NextZXOS menu
48K Gosh Wonderful ROM v3.3 Space on hard boot/reset
48K Looking Glass ROM v1.07 Space on hard boot/reset 48K mode with key-to-key commands and bug fixes
48K Looking Glass ROM v1.07-altfont- Space on hard boot/reset 48K mode with key-to-key commands and bug fixes. It has a bold font
Timex Sinclair TC2048 Space on hard boot/reset
Investronica Spectrum 128K Space on hard boot/reset
Pentagon 128K Space on hard boot/reset

NextBASIC cursor modes

32 columns (Colour) 64/85 columns (Shape) Function
Blue Horizontal Bar in lower half of character Normal Text Entry
Cyan Horizontal Bar in upper half of character CAPS LOCK on (Toggle with CAPS LOCK key)
Magenta Vertical Bar GRAPHICS mode (Toggle with GRAPHICS key)
Green Horizontal Stripes EXTEND mode (Toggle with EXTEND key)
Red Rectangular Outline Error Marker: There's an error in the line that needs correcting

Cassette connections

Cassette connections 1

Cassette connections 2