Headset Commander
Logcat play/pause
#### Google Music
01-25 18:54:23.960 1226 1226 I AwesomePlayer: play_l
01-25 18:54:24.007 19228 19232 I dalvikvm: Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
01-25 18:54:25.038 19653 19663 D MediaPlaybackService: Event logging MUSIC_PAUSE_PLAYBACK_REQUESTED: [299, DEFAULT]/c10a328e-25f5-36a5-bb2b-8642bc8a8f76
01-25 18:54:25.053 1226 1779 I AwesomePlayer: pause_l 0
01-25 18:54:25.061 1373 1388 D NotificationService: turn off LED due to Dock full charging
01-25 18:54:25.085 1373 1384 D BluetoothA2dpService: received playstatechanged Action
01-25 18:54:25.085 1373 1384 D BluetoothA2dpService: Received Meta Data Details Track = Fool (If You Think It's Over) Artist = Chris Rea Album = The Best Of Chris Rea Trackno = null no.of track = null TrackDuration = null TrackPosition = null
01-25 18:54:25.085 1373 1384 D BluetoothA2dpService: received playstatechanged Action
01-25 18:54:25.249 1226 1367 D AudioHardwareMot: AudioStreamOutMot::setParameters() fm_attenuate=0;fm_mute=0
#### Pocket Cast
01-17 19:41:48.420 12280 12298 I AwesomePlayer: play_l
01-17 19:41:49.561 12280 12298 I AwesomePlayer: pause_l 0
#### Música
01-25 19:03:54.350 1226 1369 I AwesomePlayer: play_l
01-25 19:03:54.382 19958 19958 D DEBUGDEBUG: ALBUM ART WAS NOT FOUND: <unknown>:WhatsApp Audio
01-25 19:03:54.421 19958 19958 E TuneWiki: Sending AVRCP command with action: com.android.music.metachanged
01-25 19:03:54.428 1373 1384 D BluetoothA2dpService: received metachanged Action New Build
01-25 19:03:54.428 1373 1384 D BluetoothA2dpService: Received Meta Data Details Track = AUD-20110917-WA0004 Artist = Artista desconocido Album = WhatsApp Audio Trackno = 1 no.of track = 144 TrackDuration = 17040 TrackPosition = 9540
01-25 19:03:54.428 19958 19958 V TuneWiki: MPD - Status Changed: 0
01-25 19:03:54.483 19958 19958 D DEBUGDEBUG: ALBUM ART WAS NOT FOUND: <unknown>:WhatsApp Audio
01-25 19:03:54.522 19958 19958 D FMControllerService: Starting FMSControllerService, action: tunewiki.intent.action.SWITCH_MPD
01-25 19:03:55.249 19958 19958 E TuneWiki: Starting TunWikiMPD, action: tunewiki.intent.action.HEADSET_SINGLE_CLICK
01-25 19:03:55.249 19958 19958 V TuneWiki: MPD - pause() called
01-25 19:03:55.249 19958 19958 V TuneWiki: MPD - currently playing, so pausing
01-25 19:03:55.257 1226 15028 I AwesomePlayer: pause_l 0
01-25 19:03:55.272 1373 1388 D NotificationService: turn off LED due to Dock full charging
01-25 19:03:55.296 19958 19958 D DEBUGDEBUG: ALBUM ART WAS NOT FOUND: <unknown>:WhatsApp Audio
01-25 19:03:55.311 19958 19958 E TuneWiki: Sending AVRCP command with action: com.android.music.playerpaused
01-25 19:03:55.311 1373 1384 D BluetoothA2dpService: received paused Action
01-25 19:03:55.311 19958 19958 V TuneWiki: MPD - Status Changed: 1
01-25 19:03:55.327 19958 19958 D DEBUGDEBUG: ALBUM ART WAS NOT FOUND: <unknown>:WhatsApp Audio
01-25 19:03:55.455 1226 1367 D AudioHardwareMot: AudioStreamOutMot::setParameters() fm_attenuate=0;fm_mute=0